FAQ: Our Coffee Explained
What is it?
Our steeped coffee is a very light roast of coffee. It is brewed for half an hour. Then the coffee is steeped in spices for another half an hour. It’s the coffee itself that is steeped in spices. Hence the name “Steeped Coffee”.
How does it taste?
Well, that is a little complicated. Steeped coffee is distinguished by the spices it is well… steeped in. Some of this coffee is steeped in vanilla and tastes cool and refreshing, while others are spicy with ginger.
But! There is one distinguishing flavour, our should I say, a lack of flavour. Our coffee is not bitter.
Our staple coffee is our most simple coffee, steeped in cardamom. It has no bitter taste, and when asked to guess, people think its a tea.
Where does it come from?
It is a type of coffee commonly had in the Arabian Peninsula. Particularly serves at home when guests arrive. It is the first thing served to guests alongside dates. There is as many flavours of the coffee as there are families.
How is it made?
Our coffee is made in a three-step process. First you measure out the ingredients. Then you ‘let it roll’ by bringing the coffee to a rolling boil. Finally you steep the spices in coffee.
Why is it different?
From roasting to preparation to additions everything about our steeped coffee is different.
When do you have it?
Any time and always.